
1. Introduce

约 1419 个字 预计阅读时间 7 分钟

  • 冯·偌伊曼架构
  • 计算与存储分离
  • 数据和指令放在同一个存储器



1.1 Eight Great Ideas

  • Design for Moore’s Law (设计紧跟摩尔定律)

    • Moore's Law: Integrated circuit resources double every 18-24 months. 摩尔定律:集成电路资源每18-24个月翻一番。
    • Design for where it will be when finishes rather than design for where it starts. 设计完成时的位置,而不是设计开始的位置。
  • Use Abstraction to Simplify Design (采用抽象简化设计)

    • 层次化、模块化的设计


    • Instruction set architecture---- the interface between hardware and lowest-level software ISA 连接硬件与底层软件
  • Make the Common Case Fast (加速大概率事件)

  • Performance via Parallelism (通过并行提高性能)

  • Performance via Pipelining (通过流水线提高性能)

    • 换句话说就是,每个流程同时进行,只不过每一个流程工作的对象是时间上相邻的若干产品;
    • 相比于等一个产品完全生产完再开始下一个产品的生产,会快很多;
    • 希望每一个流程的时间是相对均匀的;
  • Performance via Prediction(通过预测提高性能)

    • 例如先当作 if() 条件成立,执行完内部内容,如果后来发现确实成立,那么直接 apply,否则就再重新正常做;
    • 这么做就好在(又或者说只有这种情况适合预测),预测成功了就加速了,预测失败了纠正的成本也不高;
  • Hierarchy of Memories (存储器层次)

    • Disk / Tape -> Main Memory(DRAM) -> L2-Cache(SRAM) -> L1-Cache(On-Chip) -> Registers 容量从左到右,依次减小;速度从左到右,依次增大
  • Dependability via Redundancy (通过冗余提高可靠性)

    • 类似于卡车的多个轮胎,一个模块 down 了以后不会剧烈影响整个系统;

1.2 Below Your Program


  • Application software : aimed at users
  • System software : aimed at programming.
    • 包含: Operation System;Compiler;Assembler

1.3 Computer Language

  • Machine language 机器语言

    • Binary numbers express machine instructions

      ex. 1000110010100000 means to add two numbers

  • Assembly language 汇编语言

    • Symbolic notations

      ex. add A, B

    • The assembler translates them into machine instruction


  • High-level programming language 高级编程语言

    • Notations more closer to the natural language ex. A + B

    • The compiler translates them into assembly language statements



1.4 Computer Organization and Hardware System


The five classic components of a computer: 计算机的五个经典组件:

  • input;
  • output;
  • memory(DRAM);
    • 程序、数据存储的地方,也是程序“运行的位置”;
    • cache memory (SRAM): buffer for the DRAM memory;
  • datapath
    • 负责实际的数据处理;
  • control
    • 负责指挥控制如何进行数据处理,给出控制信号;

processor / (central processor unit)CPU = datapath + control

处理器/(中央处理器单元)CPU = 数据路径 + 控制

1.6 Performance

1.6.1 Execution Time

  1. Response time && Throughout

    • Response time / execution time: how long it takes to do a task

      响应时间: 从程序开始到结束的时间(个人)

    • Throughout: total work done per unit time


Replacing the processor with a faster version? 改变response time 和 throughout

Adding more processors ? 只改变throughout

  1. 定义\(performance = \dfrac{1}{Execution \ time}\)

    X is n times faster than Y

    $$ \dfrac{{Performance}_x}{{performance}_y} = \dfrac{{execution time}_y}{{execution time}_x} = n\ $$


  2. 关于 Execution Time

    • Elapsed time

      包含 Processing,I/O, OS overhead, idle time

    • CPU time

1.6.2 CPU Clocking

  • Clock period: duration of a clock cycle

    \(eg:250ps = 0.25ns = 250 \times 10^{-12}s\)

  • Clock frequency (rate): cycles per second

    \(eg:4.0GHz = 4000MHz = 4.0 \times 10^9Hz\)

\[ \begin{aligned} CPU \ Time &= CPU \ Clock \ Cycles \times Clock \ Cycle \ Time \\ &= \dfrac{CPU \ Clock \ Cycles}{Clock \ Rate} \end{aligned} \]



Computer A: 2 GHz clock, 10s CPU time

Designing Computer B :

  • Aim for 6 s CPU time ;

  • Can do faster clock, but causes 1.2 × clock cycle

How fast must Computer B clock be?

\[ \begin{aligned} &{Clock \ Cycle}_A = \dfrac{CPU \ Time}{CPU \ Clock \ Time } = CPU \ Time \times CPU \ Rate = 2 \times 10 ^{10}\\ &{Clock \ Cycle}_B = 1.2 \times {Clock \ Cycle}_A = 2.4 \times 10^{10}\\ &Clock \ Rate_B = \dfrac{ Clock \ Cycle_B}{CPU \ Time_B } = 4GHz \end{aligned} \]
  • 每条指令的平均周期数(Average cycles per instruction)又缩写为 CPI。

    由CPU的硬件决定,不同的指令有不同的CPI $$ CPU Time = Instruction count \times CPI \times Clock cycle time $$ image-20240228163207719





Performance depends on

  • Algorithm: affects IC(指令条数), possibly CPI
  • Programming language: affects IC, CPI
  • Compiler: affects IC, CPI
  • Instruction set architecture : IC,CPI,T_c(\(\dfrac{Seconds}{ClockCycle}\))

1.7 Incredible performance improvement


  1. Power Wall

    \(Power = Capactive \ load \times {Voltage}^2 \times Frequency\)

    频率 负载电容 电压 频率


    主频提高了很多,但功耗并没有得到这么多的提升,因为我们降低了工作电压 (5V-1V)



  2. Memory Wall

    Memory 的性能增长不如 CPU 的性能增长,大部分时间花在读写内存了,影响整体性能

  3. ITP Wall(指令集并行)

    refers to increasing difficulty to find enough parallelism in the instructions stream of a single process to keep higher performance processor cores busy.


    \(ITP \rightarrow TLP \ and DLP\)


1.8 Multiprocessors 多核

  • Amdahl's Law: Improve an aspect of a computer and expecting improvement in overall performance.

    阿姆达尔定律:改进计算机的某个方面,并期望整体性能得到改善。 实际上, \(T_{improve} = \dfrac{T_{affected}}{improvement \ factor} + T_{unaffected}\)

    e.g.** 对某一方面优化 90%, 并不能使 CPU 整体性能优化 90%. Corollary: make the common case fast. 推论:使常见情况快速。**

  • Low Power Not at Idle.

    低功耗,不处于空闲状态。 机器在没有工作时也有功耗损失。

  • MIPS as a Performance Metric

    MIPS 作为性能指标,不同的 ISA 之间不能仅凭 MIPS 比较。

    • MIPS: Millions of Instructions Per Second


      \[ \begin{aligned} MIPS &= \dfrac{Instruction \ count}{Execution time \times 10^6} \\ &=\dfrac{Instruction \ count}{CPI \times Instruction \ count \times cycle \ clock\ time \times 10^6}\\ &= \dfrac{clock \ rate}{CPI \times 10^6} \end{aligned} \]

    唯一的性能标准是CPU Time,不同的 ISA 之间不能仅凭 MIPS 比较。