10. Indexing¶
约 4731 个字 预计阅读时间 24 分钟
- Basic Concepts
- Ordered Indices
- B+-Tree Index
- B+-Tree File Organization
- B-Tree Index Files
- Indices on Multiple Keys
- Indexing on Flash
- Indexing in Main Memory
- Write Optimized Indices
- Log Structured Merge (LSM) Tree
- Buffer Tree
- Bitmap Indices
10.1 Basic Concepts¶
Indexing mechanisms used to speed up access
to desired data.
Search Key - attribute to set of attributes used to look up records in a file.
搜索键 - 用于查找文件中的记录的一组属性的属性。
An index file consists of records (called index entries) of the form.
Two basic kinds of indices:
Ordered indices: search keys are stored in sorted order
Hash indices: search keys are distributed uniformly across “buckets” using a “hash function”.
10.1.1 Index Evaluation Metrics¶
- Access types supported efficiently
- Point query: records with a specified value in the attribute. 点查询:属性中具有指定值的记录
- Range query: records with an attribute value falling in a specified range of values. 范围查询:属性值落在指定值范围内的记录。
- Access time
- Insertion time
- Deletion time
- Space overhead
10.2 Ordered Indices¶
Primary index(主索引): in a
sequentially ordered file
, the index whose search key specifies the sequential order of the file.主索引:在按顺序排序的文件中,其搜索键指定文件顺序的索引。
也就是说文件恰好按照search key 进行排序
Also called clustering index(聚集索引)
The search key of a primary index is usually but not necessarily the primary key.
search key通常是主键,但是不一定是主键,因为primary key可能由多个属性组合,但是search只能是一种
Secondary index(辅助索引): an index whose search key specifies an order different from the sequential order of the file. Also called non-clustering index.
primary index on ID attribute of instructor
Secondary index on salary attribute of instructor
如果 key 不是一个主键,那可能会对应多个记录。
工资作为辅助索引,点搜索,需要先收集所有指定工资的老师的地址,再用一个头指针联系在一起。value -> 头结点(多个) -> 结果
Primary index 是很宝贵的,只能有一个,其他都是辅助索引。
Dense index(稠密索引) — Index record appears for every search-key value in the file.
Sparse Index(稀疏索引): contains index records for only some search-key values.
Less space and less maintenance overhead for insertions and deletions.
Generally slower than dense index for locating records.
Good tradeoff: sparse index with an index entry for every block in file, corresponding to least search-key value in the block.
- Multilevel Index 多级索引
- 外部索引——主索引的稀疏索引
- 内部索引——primary index
10.3 B+-Tree Index¶
All paths from root to leaf are of the same length
Inner node(not a root or a leaf): between \(\lceil n/2\rceil\) and \(n\) children.
内部节点(不是根或叶):\(\lceil n/2\rceil\) 到 \(n\) 个孩子
Leaf node: between \(\lfloor n/2\rfloor\) and \(n–1\) values
Special cases:
- If the root is not a leaf: at least 2 children.
- If the root is a leaf : between 0 and (n–1)values.
一般一个节点就是一个数据块的大小, 4K.
B+ 树的叉是非常多的,相应的高度就很低。
eg: 假设存放的数据是学号占10 bytes,指针占4 bytes,那么分叉数(max)= (4096 / (10+4))+1 = 293. 分叉数(min) = \(\lceil n/2\rceil\) = 147
关于inner node结点的结构
你会发现指针的数量是value数量+1,说明分叉数(孩子数)是serach key value数量+1
- 由于B+树的叶结点只能够\(n-1\)个value,所以对于$ i = 1, 2, . . ., n–1\(,指针\) Pi$ 指向搜索键值为 \(Ki\) 的文件记录
- 多出来的指针\(P_n\)指向下一个叶子结点,也就是将所有的叶子结点连接在一起
Example of B+-tree*
B+-tree for instructor file (n = 6) 内部结点指针最大个数(分叉数)
Leaf nodes must have between 3 and 5 values
between \(\lceil (n–1)/2\rceil\) and \(n–1\) values
Non-leaf nodes other than root must have between 3 and 6 children
between \(\lceil n/2\rceil\) or \(\lfloor (n+1)/2 \rfloor\)and \(n\) children.
相应的value的数量为between\(\lceil n/2\rceil - 1\) and \(n–1\)
Root must have at least 2 children.
10.3.1 Observations about B+-trees¶
如果有很多文件一次性建立 B+ 树,我们可以从叶子节点开始建立。
Level below root has at least \(2 \times \lceil n/2\rceil\) 指针
每一个inner node 最少具有
\(\lfloor (n+1)/2 \rfloor\)个指针根结点至少有两个孩子
Next level has at least \(2 \times \lceil n/2\rceil \times \lceil n/2\rceil\)指针s
如果有 K 个索引项(K个根结点),则树高度不会超过 \(\lceil \log_{\lceil n/2 \rceil}(K/2)\rceil + 1\). 高度最小为 \(\log_n(K)\)
10.3.2 Find & Insert & Delete¶
Example “Query on B+ Tree”
对于range query,先找到下界和上界,再利用leaf是利用指针连接在一起的,所以能获得结果
Example "Examples of Insert on B+-Tree"
B+-Tree before and after insertion of “Adams ”
inner node 的 split
注意内点的 split 和叶子的不一样。要把中间的节点 move 上去。
Example "Examples of Delete on B+-Tree"
当一个blcok中的记录被删除时,判断此时这个叶结点中value的数量是否大于等于\(\lfloor n/2 \rfloor\)。如果小于了,就要寻求与兄弟结点合并。
- 如果可以与兄弟结点合并,就要在合并之后,检查父亲结点的指针数目是否大于等于\(\lfloor (n+1)/2 \rfloor\),依次类推
- 如果不能合并,兄弟节点的value已经满了。那么就从兄弟结点中借一条记录,补充到当前结点
10.3.3 B+- tree : height and size estimation¶
下面计算B+树的n。由于B+树的一个块是4096大小,包含n个指针(大小为4),与n-1个关键字大小(为pid,大小为18),因此计算公式为:\((4096-4)/(18+4) + 1 = 187\)。
对于内部结点,其孩子指针最多有n = 187个,其孩子指针最少有\(\lceil n/2 \rceil = 94\)个,对于叶子结点,value最多有\(n-1 = 186\)个,最少有\(94 -1 = 93\)个
最大值:对于叶结点,让叶结点保留最少的value,也就是93,此时所需的叶结点数量最多,需要\(1000000 / 93 = 10752.69\),
。第二层的计算和根结点的计算都是用最少的指针数94,需要\(\lfloor 10752/94 \rfloor = 114\),最后还需要一个根结点。最终需要\(10752 + 114 + 1 = 10867\)个结点
。其余第二层与根节点的计算以此类推,由于第二层的孩子个数最多为187个,因此第二层将5377除以187,并且向上取整。最终需要\(5377 + 29 + 1 = 5407\)个结点
10.4 B+-Tree File Organization¶
File Organization: heap堆结构,sequential顺序结构,hash结构,B+树结构
文件组织 B+-Tree File Organization:
Leaf nodes in a B+-tree file organization store records, instead of pointers
Helps keep data records clustered even when there are insertions/deletions/updates
10.4.1 Other Issues in Indexing¶
Record relocation and secondary indices
If a record moves, all secondary indices that store record pointers have to be updated
Node splits in B+-tree file organizations become very expensive
Solution: use primary-index search key instead of record pointer in secondary index
例如:利用学生的名字找到primary key(辅助索引),再利用primary key对应物理地址(主索引),一旦地址改变,只需要修改主索引中的primary key即可
好处是:地址改变时只需要修改局部,坏处是:查找时需要先找到primary key,再通过primary key找到对应的地址
Variable length strings as keys 变长字符串作为key
Variable fanout 使用空间利用率(space utilization)作为拆分的标准,而不是指针数
Prefix compression 前缀压缩
Key values at internal nodes can be prefixes of full key
Keep enough characters to distinguish entries in the subtrees separated by the key value
Keys in leaf node can be compressed by sharing common prefixes
10.5 Bulk Loading and Bottom-Up Build¶
10.5.1 Bottom-Up Build¶
Inserting entries one-at-a-time into a B+-tree requires \(\geq 1\) IO per entry
Efficient alternative 1: Insert in sorted order
先排序再插入,局部性较好,减少 I/O.
Efficient alternative 2: Bottom-up B+-tree construction
First sort index entries 首先对索引条目进行排序
Then create B+-tree layer-by-layer, starting with leaf level
然后逐层创建 B+-tree,从叶级别开始
The built B+-tree is written to disk using sequential I/O operations
使用顺序 I/O 操作将构建的 B+ 树写入磁盘
代价:1 seek(定位) + 9 block transfer
这样的好处是:假如我们要顺序访问(扫描或者range query)所有的索引项,这些索引项是全部放在磁盘的同一区域的,且是连续放置的。磁盘读写头只需要一次定位
10.5.2 Bulk insert index entries¶
- 第一步:先对这些键值排好序。
- 第二步:从磁盘中读取上一个B+树的所有叶子结点,进入内存当中,由于上一个B+树的叶子结点都是连续存放的,因此需要1次Seek,6次Block Transfer。
- 第三步:利用这些新的键值,和前面那颗B+树已经在内存中的键值,排好序,在内存中构建出新的B+树
- 第四步:把这个处于内存中的B+树按照从底向上层序遍历的顺序,写回到磁盘中,需要1次Seek,13个Block Transfer。
Merge two existing two B+-trees , to create a new B+-tree using the Bottom-UP Build algorithm, as in LSM-tree Index
假设有两棵这样生成的 B+ 树,将他们合并在一起。首先把叶子节点拿出来排序。
10.6 Multiple-Key Access¶
分别对dept_name 和 salary都建立索引,查询之后求交集即可方法二:
10.6.1 Indices on Multiple Keys¶
Composite search keys are search keys containing more than one attribute 复合搜索键是包含多个属性的搜索键
Lexicographic ordering: \((a_1, a_2) < (b_1, b_2)\) if either \(a_1 < b_1\), or \(a_1=b_1\) and \(a_2 < b_2\).
单个 key, 不同 key 之间组合都可以建立 B+ 树。这样会有很多组合,可以在频繁出现的查询属性上建立 B+ 树。
10.7 Indexing in Main Memory¶
cache 按 cache line 传输, 只有 64B.
Random access in memory
Much cheaper than on disk/flash, but still expensive compared to cache read
Binary search for a key value within a large B+-tree node results in many cache misses
二分查找可能带来很多 cache miss.
Data structures that make best use of cache preferable – cache conscious
最好利用cache的数据结构 - 缓存意识
B+- trees with small nodes that fit in cache line are preferable to reduce cache misses 最好使用具有适合缓存行的 小节点 的 B+- 树来减少缓存miss
search key 和 pointer 可以分开放。
Key idea:
use large node size to optimize disk access,
but structure data within a node using a tree with small node size, instead of using an array, to optimize cache access.
10.8 Indexing on Flash¶
Flash 里不是即时修改,而是先擦掉再写。同时擦的次数是有限制的。因此最好的方法是从底构建,然后顺序写入。
Random I/O cost much lower on flash
20 to 100 microseconds for read/write
Writes are not in-place, and (eventually) require a more expensive erase 写入不是就地的,并且(最终)需要更昂贵的擦除
Optimum page size therefore much smaller
Bulk-loading still useful since it minimizes page erases
Write-optimized tree structures (i.e., LSM-tree) have been adapted to minimize page writes for flash-optimized search trees
Two approaches to reducing cost of writes
Log-structured merge tree (LSM-tree)
Buffer tree
10.8.1 Log Structured Merge (LSM) Tree¶
- 首先内存中有一个B+树\(L_0\),内存中的B+树写满之后,马上写入到磁盘中。这个写操作,只需要把B+树叶子结点上的这些块写进磁盘,可以做到刚刚所述的 1次Seek,然后连续写入。
- 下次,内存中的B+树(\(L_0\))又满了,就可以和磁盘中的B+树(\(L_1\))进行合并,相当于内存中B+树的叶子,要和磁盘中B+树的叶子合并。因此,需要两次Seek,加上合并好的树的结点数目个Transfer + 磁盘中B+树叶节点块数个Transfer。
- 在磁盘中,如果\(L1\)这个B+树满了(磁盘中对各个大小的B+树都有大小限制),那么就会自动拷贝到\(L2\)的位置,把L1的位置空出来,以此类推。
Size threshold for $L_{i+1}$ tree is $k$ times size threshold for $L_i$ tree
这样我们把随机写变为了顺序写。但此时查找一个索引,就要遍历所有 B+ 树。
Benefits of LSM approach
Inserts are done using only sequential I/O operations
仅使用顺序 I/O 操作完成插入
Leaves are full, avoiding space wastage
Reduced number of I/O operations per record inserted as compared to normal B+-tree (up to some size)
与普通 B+ 树相比,每条记录插入的 I/O 操作数减少(最多一些大小)
Drawback of LSM approach
Queries have to search multiple trees
Entire content of each level copied multiple times
Stepped Merge Index
Stepped-merge index: variant of LSM tree with *k* trees at each level on disk
- When all k indices exist at a level, merge them into one index of next level.
- Reduces write cost compared to LSM tree
But queries are even more expensive since many trees need to be queries
原先的结构中,Merge 操作太多,我们可以一次性合并。
Bloom Filter
Bloom Filter 相当于对数据的bit进行记录,如果当前位是1,就当检测的对应位置为1,查询时,我们将查询key的值与检测bits进行比对,如果有一位对不上,说明肯定找不到,如果全都对上了,也不一定能找到
10.8.2 Buffer Tree¶
假如一个buffer tree的内部结点需要分裂,那么缓冲区中的内容也会分裂,各自分裂进入各自的部分
坏处:相比LSM树在磁盘中顺序存放的结构,Buffer Tree 的磁盘I/O开销增大。
10.9 Bitmap Indices¶