
7. Relational Database Design

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7.1 Features of good Relational Design

What about combining instructor and department?


Pitfalls of the bad” relations “坏”关系的陷阱

  • Information repetition (信息重复)

  • Insertion anomalies (插入异常)

    该表的primary key是ID,无法插入单独的一个department(没有老师)

  • Update difficulty (更新困难)


数据之间存在着隐含的函数约束关系,知道了 id 就可以决定其他元素

id \(\rightarrow\) name, salary, dept_name;

dept_name \(\rightarrow\) building, budget

产生冗余的原因是 dept_name 决定了部分属性,但它却不是这个表的 primary key.


好的关系:只有 candidate key 能决定其他属性。


  • 拆表后要有公共的属性,否则无法拼接回去
  • 公共属性必须是分拆出一个关系模式的primary key, 。

Example "lossy decomposition" 有损分解例子

employee(ID, name, street, city, salary)

\(\rightarrow\) employee1 (ID, name)

employee2 (name, street, city, salary)

因为此处公共属性name不是primary key

观察上图可以发现,name不是primary key,假设存在重名的现象,那么再重新合并之后无法得到原来的表

Example "Example of Lossless-Join Decomposition "


7.1.1 Lossless-join Decomposition

Let \(R\) be a relation schema and let \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) form a decomposition of \(R\). That is \(R = R_1 \cup R_2\).

We say that the decomposition is a lossless decomposition if there is no loss of information by replacing R with the two relation schemas \(R = R_1 \cup R_2\). Formally, \(r = \prod_{R_1}(r) \bowtie \prod_{R_2}(r)\).

我们说,如果用两个关系模式替换 R 没有信息丢失,则分解是无损分解 \(R = R_1 \cup R_2\) 。正式地,\(r = \prod_{R_1}(r) \bowtie \prod_{R_2}(r)\) .


And, conversely a decomposition is lossy if \(r\subset \prod_{R_1}(r) \bowtie \prod_{R_2}(r)\)

Note: more tuples implies more uncertainty (less information).



A decomposition of R into R1 and R2 is lossless join if at least one of the following dependencies holds: (充分条件)

  • \(R_1\cap R_2\rightarrow R_1\)

  • \(R_1\cap R_2 \rightarrow R_2\)

R1和R2的公共属性能够决定R1或者R2,也就是说是其中一个的primary key

7.1.2 Devise a Theory for the Following

  • Decide whether a particular relation R is in “good” form.

  • In the case that a relation R is not in “good” form, decompose it into a set of relations \(\{R_1, R_2, \ldots, R_n\}\) such that

    • each relation is in good form
    • the decomposition is a lossless-join decomposition

    如果关系 R 不是“好”形式,则将其分解为一组关系 \(\{R_1, R_2, \ldots, R_n\}\) ,使得每个关系都处于良好的状态,分解是无损连接分解(lossless-join decomposition)

  • Our theory is based on:

    • functional dependencies 函数依赖
    • multivalued dependencies 多值依赖
  • Normal Forms(NF): \(1NF \rightarrow 2NF \rightarrow 3NF \rightarrow BCNF \rightarrow 4NF\)

有些函数依赖,不能在 BCNF 中得到体现,需要把几个表拼在一起才能体现,叫依赖保持。这时我们需要从 BCNF 回到 3NF.

7.2 Functional Dependencies

Functional Dependencies are constraints on the set of legal relations. (来自于应用层面的规定)

Require that the value for a certain set of attributes determines uniquely the value for another set of attributes. e.g. dept_name \(\rightarrow\) building

要求某一组属性的值唯一地确定另一组属性的值。例如dept_name → building

A functional dependency is a generalization of the notion of a key.


Let \(R\) be a relation schema \(\alpha\subseteq R\) and \(\beta\subseteq R\) (\(\alpha, \beta\) 是属性的集合)

The functional dependency \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) holds on \(R\) if and only if for any legal relations \(r(R)\), whenever any two tuples \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) of \(r\) agree on the attributes \(\alpha\), they also agree on the attributes \(\beta\). That is

本质上是\(\alpha\)决定\(\beta\) $$ t_1[\alpha] = t2 [\alpha] \Rightarrow t_1[\beta ] = t_2 [\beta ] $$


上述例子中A:1,B:4,A:1,B:5,说明\(A \rightarrow B\)不成立,但是能说明\(B \rightarrow A\) 可能成立

\(A\rightarrow B\) 可以证伪,但也不能因此就说 \(B\rightarrow A\)

利用函数依赖关系定义superkey和candidate key

  • K is a superkey for relation schema \(R\) if and only if \(K\rightarrow R\)
  • K is a candidate key for \(R\) if and only if
    • \(K\rightarrow R\), and
    • for no \(\alpha\subset K\), \(\alpha\rightarrow R\)

superkey 和 candidate key的区别在于superkey存在冗余


A functional dependency is trivial if it is satisfied by all relations.

  • ID,name \(\rightarrow\) ID

  • name \(\rightarrow\) name

In general, \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) is trivial(平凡的) if \(\beta\subseteq \alpha\)

7.2.1 Closure(闭包) Closure of a Set of Functional Dependencies

Given a set \(F\) of functional dependencies, there are certain other functional dependencies that are logically implied by \(F\).

The set of all functional dependencies logically implied by \(F\) is the closure of \(F\). We denote the closure of \(F\) by \(F^+\).


e.g. \(F=\{A\rightarrow B,B\rightarrow C\}\) then

\(F^+=\{A\rightarrow B, B\rightarrow C, A\rightarrow C, AB\rightarrow B, AB\rightarrow C,\ldots\}\)

We can find \(F^+\), the closure of \(F\), by repeatedly applying Armstrong’s Axioms:

  • if \(\beta\subseteq \alpha\) then \(\alpha \rightarrow \beta\) (reflexivity, 自反律)
  • if \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) then \(\gamma \alpha \rightarrow \gamma \beta\) (augmentation, 增补律)
  • if \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) and \(\beta \rightarrow \gamma\) then \(\alpha\rightarrow \gamma\) (transitivity, 传递律)

These rules are

  • Sound(正确有效的) generate only functional dependencies that actually hold
  • Complete(完备的) generate all functional dependencies that hold

Additional rules: 附加规则

  • If \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) holds and \(\alpha\rightarrow \gamma\) holds, then \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\gamma\) holds (union, 合并)
  • If \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\gamma\) holds, then \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) holds and \(\alpha\rightarrow \gamma\) holds (decomposition, 分解)
  • If \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) holds and \(\gamma \beta\rightarrow \delta\) holds, then \(\alpha \gamma\rightarrow \delta\) holds (pseudotransitivity伪传递)

函数依赖,右边的公共属性可以去掉,使得函数双方没有交集。 Closure of Attribute Sets

Given a set of attributes \(a\), define the closure of a under \(F\) (denoted by \(a+\)) as the set of attributes that are functionally determined by \(a\) under \(F\)



A->B, B->C, B->D, 可以得到 \(A^+ = ABCD\)

graph LR


\(A^+ = ABCH, G^+ = G\),所以AG是一个candidate key,同时也是superkey Uses of Attribute Closure

  • Testing for superkey: To test if \(\alpha\) is a superkey, we compute \(\alpha+\), and check if \(\alpha+\) contains all attributes of \(R\).

    测试超键:为了测试是否 \(\alpha\) 是超键,我们计算 \(\alpha+\) ,并检查是否 \(\alpha+\) 包含 的所有 R 属性。

  • Testing functional dependencies

    • To check if a functional dependency \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) holds (or, in other words, is in \(F+\)), just check if \(\beta\subseteq\alpha+\).

      要检查功能依赖项 \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) 是否成立(或者换句话说,在 \(F+\) 中 ),只需检查 \(\beta\subseteq\alpha+\)

    • That is, we compute \(\alpha+\) by using attribute closure, and then check if it contains \(\beta\).

      也就是说,我们使用属性闭包 \(\alpha+\) 进行计算,然后检查它是否包含 \(\beta\)

    • Is a simple and cheap test, and very useful

  • Computing closure of F For each \(\gamma\subseteq R\), we find the closure \(\gamma+\), and for each \(S \subseteq \gamma+\), we output a functional dependency \(\gamma\rightarrow S\).

7.3 Canonical Cover(正则覆盖)

a canonical cover of F is a “minimal” set of functional dependencies equivalent to F, having no redundant dependencies or redundant parts of dependencies.



-- Extraneous Attributes(无关属性)

Consider a set \(F\) of functional dependencies and the functional dependency \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) in \(F\).

  • Attribute A is extraneous in \(\alpha\) if \(A\in \alpha\) and \(F\) logically implies \((F – \{\alpha\rightarrow \beta\})\cup {(\alpha – A) \rightarrow \beta}\).
  • Attribute A is extraneous in \(\beta\) if \(A\in \beta\) and the set of functional dependencies \((F-\{\alpha \rightarrow \beta\}) \cup \{\alpha \rightarrow (\beta - A) \}\)logically implies F. -

A canonical cover for \(F\) is a set of dependencies Fc such that

  • \(F\) logically implies all dependencies in \(F_c\)


  • \(F_c\) logically implies all dependencies in \(F\)


  • No functional dependency in \(F_c\) contains an extraneous attribute

    \(F_c\) 的任何函数依赖项都不包含无关属性

  • Each left side of functional dependency in \(F_c\) is unique.

    函数依赖关系的每个 $F_c$ 左侧都是唯一的。

    对于\(A \rightarrow B, A \rightarrow C \Leftrightarrow A \rightarrow BC\)

Example "Computing a Canonical Cover"

利用画图法解决寻找canonical cover


7.4 Boyce-Codd Normal Form

A relation schema \(R\) is in BCNF with respect to a set \(F\) of functional dependencies if for all functional dependencies in \(F^+\) of the form where \(\alpha \subseteq R\) and \(\beta \subseteq R\), at least one of the following holds

  • \(\alpha \rightarrow \beta\) is trivial
  • \(\alpha\) is a superkey for \(R\).

任何非平凡的函数依赖的左边都是一个 key.那么它就是BCNF

7.4.1 Decomposing a Schema into BCNF

对于不是 key 的函数依赖,就把它分解出来作为单独的关系模式

Suppose we have a schema \(R\) and a non-trivial dependency \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) causes a violation of BCNF. We decompose \(R\) into:

\((\alpha \cup \beta)\) and \((R-(\beta-\alpha))\)

\(\alpha\) 作为两个关系模式的公共属性,也是一个关系的 key, 这样才是无损分解。



\(F = \{A->B, B->CD\}\) 上述并不是BCNF,因为存在一条非平凡的函数依赖\(B \rightarrow CD\),其中B不是candidate key

但是我们可以将其分成两个关系R1,R2,分别得到两个非平凡的函数依赖,每一函数依赖的左边都是对应关系的candidate key


7.4.2 Dependency Preservation


Constraints, including functional dependencies, are costly to check in practice unless they pertain to only one relation.

If it is sufficient to test only those dependencies on each individual relation of a decomposition in order to ensure that all functional dependencies hold, then that decomposition is dependency preserving (保持依赖).

  • (如果通过检验单一关系上的函数依赖,就能确保所有的函数依赖成立,那么这样的分解是依赖保持的)
  • (或者,原来关系R上的每一个函数依赖,都可以在分解后的单一关系上得到检验或者推导得到


Let \(F_i\) be the set of all functional dependencies in \(F^+\) that include only attributes in \(R_i\). (\(F_i\): the restriction of \(F\) on \(R_i\))

  • A decomposition is dependency preserving, if \((F_1\cup F_2 \cup \ldots \cup F_n )^+ = F^+\)
  • If it is not, then checking updates for violation of functional dependencies may require computing joins, which is expensive.


同时将两个关系联合依然无法推出 B->C,所以不满足依赖保持性

  1. 方法一:先分解E->D


B->D 无法从上面的函数依赖中推导出来



上述的分解方法:能够保证BCNF,但是不能保证dependency perservation


此处(J,K,L),先利用\(L\rightarrow K\),划分出关系R(L,K),此时原先的只剩(J,L),显然从(J,L)无法推导出\(JK \rightarrow L\),所以依赖不保持

Because it is not always possible to achieve both BCNF and dependency preservation, we consider a weaker normal form, known as third normal form.

由于很难同时达到BCNF并且依赖保持,所以我引入一个弱一点的范式,Third normal form

7.4.3 Third Normal Form

任何一个非平凡函数依赖,如果左边不是一个 super key, 那么右边必须包含在一个 candidate key 里面

A relation schema \(R\) is in third normal form (3NF) if for all: $\alpha\rightarrow \beta $ in \(F^+\) at least one of the following holds:

  • \(\alpha\rightarrow \beta\) is trivial (i.e., \(\beta \in \alpha\))

  • \(\alpha\) is a superkey for R

  • Each attribute A in \(\beta-\alpha\) is contained in a candidate key for \(R\).

candidate key有很多个,包含在某一个candidate key即可。


L-> K, 由于L不是key,所以不是BCNF

但是K 是 JK的一部分,所以L->K是 Third Normal Form

      <div align=center> <img src="https://zn-typora-image.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/typora_image/202404081324133.png" width = 80%/> </div>



BCNF 和 3NF 的区别

  1. 将relation 分解为 3NF,能够保持依赖,并且是无损连接分解
  2. 将relation 分解为BCNF,有时无法同时保证无损连接分解和依赖保持

7.4.4 Goals of Normalization

In the case that a relation scheme R is not in “good” form, decompose it into a set of relation scheme \(\{R_1, R_2, \ldots, R_n\}\) such that

  • each relation scheme is in good form (i.e., BCNF or 3NF)
  • the decomposition is a lossless-join decomposition
  • Preferably, the decomposition should be dependency preserving


Example "E-R Modeling and Normal Forms"

  1. 先指出非平凡的函数关系in S

    many to many,将主键合并得到新的主键,共同决定G

  2. S中存在的问题,类比之前的department和instructor


    • Information repetition (信息重复)

    • Insertion anomalies (插入异常)

      该表的primary key是ID,无法插入单独的一个department

    • Update difficulty (更新困难)

  3. R2,R3的公共属性D决定R2,R1和(\(R2 \bowtie R3\))的公共属性A决定R1

这里的无损分解,先指定一个路径,考虑每两个关系直接是否无损(公共属性是否为其中一个关系的 key)。

7.5 Multivalued Dependencies

There are database schemas in BCNF that do not seem to be sufficiently normalized.





存在两种不相关的多值依赖。老师 id 可以多值决定 child_name, 又可以多值决定 phone, 但这两个属性是不相关的,放在一个表里就会组合。

第二张图的为 Fourth Normal Form (4NF).


Let R be a relation schema and let \(\alpha\subset R\) and \(\beta\subset R\). The multivalued dependency \(\alpha\rightarrow\rightarrow\beta\) holds on \(R\) if in any legal relation \(r(R)\), for all pairs for tuples \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) in \(r\) such that \(t_1[\alpha] = t_2 [\alpha]\), there exist tuples \(t_3\) and \(t_4\) in \(r\) such that:

\[ t_3[\alpha] = t_4[\alpha] = t_1[\alpha]=t_2[\alpha]\\ t_3[\beta]=t_1[\beta]\\ t_3[R-\beta]=t_2[R-\beta]\\ t_4[\beta]=t_2[\beta]\\ t_4[R-\beta]=t_1[R-\beta] \]



A relation schema \(R\) is in 4NF with respect to a set \(D\) of functional and multivalued dependencies if for all multivalued dependencies in \(D^+\) of the form \(\alpha\rightarrow \rightarrow \beta\), where \(\alpha\subset R\) and \(\beta\subset R\), at least one of the following hold:

  • \(\alpha\rightarrow \rightarrow \beta\) is trivial (i.e., \(\beta \subset \alpha\) or \(\alpha \cup \beta= R\))
    即除了 \(\alpha,\beta\) 为没有其他属性。
  • \(\alpha\) is a superkey for schema \(R\)

任何一个多值依赖,要么左边就是个 key, 要么这个依赖是平凡的。


E-R Modeling and Normal Forms


不是 BCNF, 因此也不是 4NF.

7.6 Overall Database Design Process

Denormalization for Performance

Some aspects of database design are not caught by normalization.



在course和prereq中都包含course_id, course_name,查询的时候能够方便很多(虽然有信息冗余)